Vinayaka Chaturthi:
occasion of birthday of Lord Ganesha, the son of Shiva and Parvati, who is
believed to bestow his presence on earth for all his devotees in the duration
of this festival. It is observed in the Hindu
calendar month of Bhaadrapada (August-September). Starting on the shukla chaturthi (fourth day of the waxing moon
period). The date usually falls between 19 August and 15 September. The
festival lasts for 10 days, ending on Anant
- Lord Ganesha is believed to fulfill the wishes and dreams of all those who pray to him sincerely. He has long been associated with commerce and merchants pay homage to him every day. If an Indian business or bank fails, all the images of Ganesha in the offices will be turned upside down, signifying bad luck. In households, it's common for small offerings of money, flowers and food to be placed before the image of Ganesh. These tokens please him and He brings more prosperity, wealth and peace to the family.
- In the rainy season i.e. in the month of sravanam and bhadrapadam, vinakaya chaturdi falls in the rainy season. In shukla paksha the moon will be small and not visible. If people see the moon then there is a belief that people of that place are sinners and rains are not proper.
- Ganesha idols should be made only of clay. There are also references from puranas that ganapathi was created from turmeric.
- There is also an old belief that man came from soil and goes to soil, so some people perform Ganesh chaturdi for 3 days in which they believe that day1 as birth (idol made from soil),day 2 as life(idol will be decorated and prayers are offered) and day 3 as death(immersion of idol). Depending upon people belief it will be celebrated for 3 or 6 or 9 or even 12 days.
- On the vinkaya chavithi day if you look at the moon in the night the read or listen the theft of Syamantak Mani which is described in the Srimad Bhagawatham also recite this mantra to relieve from the effect of Chandra darshan
Sinha prasenmavadheet sinho jambavataa hatah.
Sukumarak ma rodeestav hyesh syamantakah.
Secret behind Vinakaya Birth:
parvathi created vinakaya idol of bathing powder and turmeric from her body (Nalugu
Pindi). She gave a life made her loyal son and asked to guard outside while taking
bath.Lord Shiva entered home and asked the strange boy to give way for him to
enter house. Vinakaya strictly told not to enter the house. Lord Shiva became
furious and ordered his army to kill him but they all failed. Then Lord Shiva
thought of finding fight himself and killed Vinakaya by severing his head. Goddess
parvathi came to know and she decides to destroy the creation then Lord Brahma
pleased her.
parvati then gave two conditions that Vinakaya should be worshipped before the
other gods and he should be given life. Lord Shiva then ordered his army to get
the head of a creature who sleeps facing north. They returned with the head of
an elephant. Shiva placed the head on to the body and gave life and declared
him as his son and he will be called as Lord Ganesha(leader of all ganas).
- Ganeshini :Ganeshini is the feminine form of Lord Ganesha. In Tamil Nadu, Vigneshwari is considered as a Shaktiand called as” Sree Vanja Kalpalatha Maha Ganapathi. The form of this ganesha will be the same of the head of an elephant but the rest of the body will be in the form of a woman.The people troubled by disease, marriage, accidents should pray to this form of Ganapathi. Ganeshini is a mixture of Lord Shiva and the Goddess gives her more power.
- Vidya Ganapathi:Vinayaka is also called as Vidya Ganapathi. Students will worship Lord Ganesha to excel in studies as he is the god for true knowledge. Also the entire life of a man is a continuous process of learning. Also the term vidyarthi (seeker of knowledge) tells he is the one who pursues knowledge.
- Symbolically Indian map resembles ganesha face.
- Steam cooked food is offered as Prasada to ganesha as these preparations are entirely made of steam. Rice flour, sesame seeds and jiggery are prepared as balls and cooked on steam.
- Chandra Darshanam: In the month of Bhadrapada on the vinakaya chaturdi day, the sun and moon are in the angles to each other that the moon light will gall on the earth with negative charges so they will tell not to expose to moon light. So it is advised not to see the moon.
of Ganesha:
- Big Head: Think greatly
- Large Stomach: represents his great capacity to digest all good and bad in life.
- Short Legs: symbolize tolerance power.
- Large Ears: imply listening devotees.
- Small Eyes: imply having high concentration power.
- Mouse as Vehicle: represents a deity of control over desires.
- Large Forehead: develops great intelligence
- One Tusk: retains good and throws away bad.
- Long Trunk: represents high efficiency and adaptability.
- Prasadam: You can achieve what you want.
festival has got more importance from the point of science. For Ganesha Puja
one should do the pooja with the leaves and flowers of twenty-one different
plants, trees and shrubs called as “Ekavimshati Patra Puja”.These 21 leaves are
having medicinal values.
Scientific Name
Sumukahaya Namah
Imperata Cylindrica
Purifies the surroundings.
Ganaathipaaya namah
Carissa Carandas
Boon to women in the post-delivery
Uma putraaya namah
Aegel Marmelos
Removes the impurities and purifies water
and all areas which are congested like
Garbhaalaya .Juice of these leaves if applied
to the body just before taking bath removes bad smellon the skin
Gajaananaaya Namah
Cynodon Dacry
cures many skin diseases and also staple
food for cattle.
Harasoonave namah
removes the poisonous effect of scorpion
sting, dog bite, rat bite, centipede bite and gives immediate relief to the
suffering person.
Lambodaraaya namah
Badari or jujube
Zizyphus jujuba
The leaves are good fodder for cows and
make them yield more milk Songsters use these leaves for maintaining a clear
melodious voice.
Guhaagrajaaya namah
Achyrantus Aspera
The juices of these leaves cure many
poisonous bites and wounds. It is used in the preparation of Zambuk ointment.
Gajakarnaaya namah
Ocimum Sanctim
Purifies air,water, surroundings and
protects our health.Mainly used in the Shiva puja and Vishnu Puja.People who
eats these leaves daily can conquer passion.
Ekadantaaya namah
Azadaracta indica
Used as festoons to decorate the houses
at festival times and auspicious
functions. Throat related dieseases are cured.also the cuckoo's tone is sweet due to the eating of the new-born
mango leaves.
Vikataaya namah
Thevetia Nerifolium
karaveeradi Thailam from the leaves
protects the hair from lice.The nuts
from this are poisonous.
Bhinnadantaaya namah
Evolvulus Alsinoides
As per theTaitreya Upanishad this herb
juice improves memorizing power.
Vatave namah
Punica Granata
Leaves and nuts are used orally to cure
dysentery and to protects pregnant
women from abortion.
Sarveswaraaya namah
Cedrus Deodara
The smell of this will preventsmosquitoes
and dangerous insects coming into the house.
Phalachndraaaya namah
Origanum Vulgara
leaves retain the fragrance for many days
even after becoming dry and can cure
diseases of the heart.
Herambaaya namah
Vitex Nergunda
This is is used in the preparation of
many medicines including antipoisonous drugs and the juice cleanses the eyes
Shoorpakarnaaya namah
Myristica Fragrams
This is used as a spice and cure
Suraagrajaya namah
used as a
external application in skin diseases.
Ibhavaktraaya namah
Prosopis Spicigera
The juice of its leaves can remove the hair.
Vinaayakaya namah
Ficus Religioso
Its leaves are good food for goats and
elephants. The bark is used in the preparation od many medicines.
Surasevitaaya namah
Morinda Tinctoria
Used in the medicines for heart diseases,
wounds and septics. Arjunarishta, a fmaous tonic is prepared with these
Kapilaaya namah
Calotrophis Procera
The leaves of this shrub yield contains a
white milky juice which is a medicine
for the poison of scorpion, rat
etc.,Also cures wounds and ulcers on external application
All the
above mentioned leaves will be available in Bhadrapaada ( August-September) and the proper time, to gather all these leaves and preserve
them for medicines.
- Ganesha idols made out of natural clay are worshiped with 21 herbs and leaves during the Ganesh Chaviti. Water born diseases are generally spread during this season due to heavy rains and floods.
- After the Ganesha festival, the worshiped Ganesha idols along with pooja leaves (Pathra) are immersed (Nimajjana) in water (rivers/canals/lakes/sea). It is believed that these leaves when they are thrown in huge quantity into water, helps in purifying the water due to their medicinal properties.
- Ganesha idols made of natural clay, when immersed in water; they get dissolved very easily in water and cleanse the water without causing pollution. This also develops immunity and resistance to fight with bacteria.
- In Ayurvedha the steam cooked food will have natural curative properties. Jaggery is a remedy for various ailments, til seeds to purify the arteries help to improve the vision. So the food offerings to Ganesha have health giving properties and the items cooked in steam are easy to digest. In some of the Super Specialty Hospital, steam cooked idles are offered to heart patients after surgery.
- Ganesha idols should be made only of clay as the pure spiritual particles of Ganesha will get attracted to towards an idol made of mud and can be immersed properly. Mud can be dissolved easily in water, forms a layer below and does not sink into earth for a long time and have a great effect on the health of living beings and environment. This represents the cycle of creation and dissolution in Nature.
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Vinayaka Chathurthi