Ashada Masam:
Ashada Masam usually comes in June - July especially for people from Andhra and Karnataka.This is also called as Shunya Masam.
Cultural Importance:
Fourth month in traditional Hindu Lunar calendar, Aashaada masam marks the beginning of Dakshinayana when, the Sun takes a southward turn in the zodiac. During the month of Aashada, Sun transits into Karkataka Raasi known as Karkataka Sankramana that generally occurs in the calendar month of July, exactly six months after the beginning of Uttarayana. The month in which the full moon day coincides with Poorva/Uttara-Aashaada constellation, that month is denoted as Aashaada masam. Astrologically we find the stars Poorvaashaada in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius (Dhanus) and Uttaraashaada partly in Sagittarius and partly in Makara (Capricorn) raasi. While Venus is the star Lord of Poorvaashaada, Sun is the star lord of Uttaraashaada. Both the star lords Sun & Venus are inimical to each other.
Aashada masam also marks the beginning of the marathon period of austerities known as Chaturmasam. Hari Sayani Ekadasi, the day Lord SriManNarayana is believed to enter into Yoganidra (divine slumber) falls in Aashaada masam. The sacred act of getting the divine symbols stamped on one’s body known as Taptamudradhaarana is conducted during Aashaada masam on the day of Sayani Ekadasi. Lot of spiritual significance is attributed to the concept of Taptamudradhaarana.
Interesting Fact:
Some married couples want to know, is it good for the wife to stay with husband in the Ashad month? The inauspicious tag attached to Ashada month is due to the fact that the Dakshinayana Punnjaykalam or Karak Sankranti begins in this month. The sun changes its courses in this month and next six months is the night time of Devas (gods), which ends with Makar Sankranti. People avoid undertaking auspicious events this month. Traditionally, as Lord Rama is born in this month, people usually believe that children born in this month will have to face difficulties like him.
Scientific Reason:
As this will be the hottest period in India and it will not be suitable for the health of the mother and child. Today, with modern medical facilities this particular custom is not strictly followed.
In ancient times, in Ashada Masam, newly married couples were not allowed to stay together in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. This was because if the woman conceived in Ashada Masam , then she will be giving birth in March or April or May the hottest months in South India. This is the hottest period in India and it is not suitable for the health of the mother and child. Since in ancient times there were no immediate medical facility, elders asked couples to stay apart. The prime reason was that sometimes it was not possible to contain bleeding in hot months.
There are also many who believe that the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law should not stay together in this month. There is no astrological significance to this and there is nothing to fear. And astrology should not be the guide in deciding on crucial matters relating to relationships.
Full Moon day in Aashaada masam known as Guru Pournima is celebrated across the country, symbolically honouring the Gurus and teachers who have taught us the Vidya. This day is also popularly referred to as Vyaasa Poornima associated with Lord Veda Vyaasa, the Divine Literary incarnation of Lord Sri Maha Vishnu. It is believed that Sri Veda Vyasa was born on this day of Pournami in the Lunar month of Aashaada. It is also said that it is the day on which Sri Veda Vyasa commenced his work on Brahma Sutras. Though Chaturmasam starts from Sayani Ekadasi for general public, traditionally, Ascetics start their Chaturmasa Deeksha from this day of Guru Pournima in Aashaada masam.
Aashaada Bahula Panchami, fifth day during the dark fortnight of the month is celebrated as Sri Jayatheerthara Aaradhana. Popularly known as Sri Teekarayaru, it was the day on which Sri Jayatheertharu, an advocate and great exponent of Dvaita philosophy, entered into Brindavana at Malakheda in Karnataka state during 13th century.
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