Planets in Astrology:
The entire life (horoscope) of a person
connects an individual around the planets. The planets have significance on the
human lives. The position of planets at the time of birth influences the
individual life. Astrology of a person’s revolves around the twelve houses of
the person's horoscope. The solar system consists of nine planets which revolve
around the sun. Without the planetary effect nothing exists in this
universe even the five elements (Earth, water, Fire, air, space). The planets
have the supreme power upon the entire world.
Cultural Beliefs:
As per ancients, the planets are gods, who
is the cause for the happiness and sorrow and for the existence. The most
powerful are the sun and the moon god. Venus was the companion of the
moon and was very beautiful. Mercury is the messenger of gods. Mars is the god
of war. Jupiter is the great god.
The planets were called as Navagrahas,
which will influence the living being's actions (karma). Grahas were formed to
destroy the demons and to sustain the Gods to establish faith.
The incarnations of gods are as follows:
Vamana- Jupiter
Parashurama- Venus
Koorma- Saturn
Varaha- Rahu
Astrology has excluded planets Neptune and
Pluto and has included Rahu and Ketu and has the same effect. These planets
will stay in own sign for a long time.
As per the Bhavishyat Puranam , People who
work ship the planets and offer some naivedhyam will get rid of all the
sufferings, griefs facing and will be blessed.We have to face the good and bad
equally according to our previous birth deeds known as Karma, which cannot be
escaped. The things will happen whatever is written on our forehead. The
results will move through the planets’ effects.
Important Facts:
The planets position of the sun and the
moon in twelve houses is decisive.
The day stars are Saturn, Jupiter and the
sun and masculine in gender.
The night stars Moon, Mars and Venus
and feminine in gender.
Mercury is for day and night and belongs to
both the genders.
Each planet has influence according to the
shape and distance of longitude. After the birth of a child, the planets take
over the parts of the body on the basis of their speed. Based on the Dasha and
antardasha the individual tends to behave and the body will act as per the
significance of the planets .Each planet has its own color as per the
Every day is special according to the
planetary vibrations. The week on a day represents the planets. Food consumed
on the respective days can bear the vibrations and can gain benefits well.
Sun-Sunday: All fruits and plants.
Moon-Monday: watermelon, pumpkin and
Mars-Tuesday: Mango, dates and pineapple
Mercury- Wednesday: all kinds of food
Jupiter- Thursday: Lemon, orange and banana
Venus-Friday: Nuts such as badam, pista,
Saturn-Saturday: all kinds of foods.
Especially food prepared with oil
Ravi - Gur, red pulses, kesar (saffron),
chandan, wheat, red fruits, red sweetmeats.
Moon - Rice, milk, curd, ghee, salt, sujji,
white sweetmeats, sugar, cashew nuts, radishes
Mangal - Red Masoor daal (red lentil
pulses), Gur (jaggery), pomegranates.
Budha - Green Moong (split green gram),
torai, ghia, parwal (pointed gourd), pumpkin, green fruits, green sweetmeats.
Guru - Yellow laddu, chana daal, Gur,
yellow fruits and sweets.
Sukra - Rice, sugar, sujji, white sweet
meats, white fruits.
Shani - Black urad, mustard oil, gur, black
til, black flowers, black fruits, black sweetmeats, black chana, satnaza.
Rahu/Ketu - Black urad, black til, black
soap, black sweets
Pooja for planets:
We have to pray planets and offer naivedyam
with devotion even if the time is favorable or not favorable to us
Sun-Gudaannam (rice cooked with Jaggery)
Moon- Payasam
Mars- Pulihora (rice cooked with turmeric)
Mercury- Ksheerannam (rice cooked with
Venus- rice cooked with ghee
Saturn- black gram with gingili powder
Rahu- horsegram.
Ketu- Pulihora (rice cooked with turmeric)
Scientific Reasons:
- The
stars are fixed and the stars are revolving the earth as a narrow line.
This line called as the ecliptic, have the loops at a certain angle in the
earth. The line travel across the sun, Moon and the stars so astrologers
divided the ecliptic into 12 sections.
- When
a planet passes through a certain zodiac certain events get triggered.
Babies born at the same time same time in different years, share the same
- The
heavenly bodies continuously roam in the universe. There are two types of
heavenly bodies stars (have own light) and planets (get light from
- Astrology
says Mars was son of earth scientists found there are favorable conditions
to live in mars same as earth.
- Astrology
connected metal iron to Saturn science found ferrous (iron) oxide on
- Jupiter was described as person
with huge stomach and is related with yellow color. Science found that Jupiter
is the biggest planet and resembles yellowish color.
- Sunrays
reach every planet and some rays reflect and reaches the earth.There is
gravitational force acting between all planets in the Solar system, these
acts as a hypothesis to believe astrology.
- In
astrology sun is related to health, Science states that vitamin -D can be
highly absorbed by the bodies from sun rays
- The moon is related to mental
health. As per the science the tides are forming due to
moon gravitational force and tides at the sea level will be
more on full moon & no moon days. Doctors say that mad people will be
in uncontrollable stage on full moon & new moon. Our body is filled
with 70% of fluids; this makes clear that our emotions are interlinked
with moon’s gravitational force.
- Astrology
states Saturn as 'mandh gaman' i.e. slow motion. Science also states
Saturn take 22.7 years to rotate around the sun.