
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

TriMurthi - Creator | Preserver | Destroyer

In Hinduism Lord Brahma,Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva are named as 'Trimurthi'. Lord Brahma deals with creation,Lord Vishnu deals with maintenance and Lord Shiva deals with destruction. They are three different shades or forms of supreme powers called 'Prabrahman'.'Vaishnavism' is a sect of people who worship Lord Vishnu as supreme god. 'Shivism' is a sect of people who worship Lord Shiva as supreme god.

Cultural beliefs:
Lord Brahma was born in golden egg hence he is named as 'hiranyagrabha' and the remaining material in that golden egg is expanded as universe. Brahma has four heads which represent 'vedas' and fifth head was cut down by Lord Shiva. The fifth head remains with Shiva hence it is called 'Kapali'. Brahma lives in a place called 'Satyalokha' which is 1,870,400,000 miles in distance from Sun.

Lord Vishnu is the one who enters everywhere. He lives in a place called 'Vaikuntha' which is 209,600,000 miles from 'Satyalokha'. He will be always seen in resting position on 'AdhiSeshu'(serpent king) with his wife, Goddess Lakshmi. Vishnu takes incarnations once evil things dominates humanity. 'Dasa-avatar' means 10 incarnations of Lord Vishnu.

Lord Shiva is the one who is eternally pure. He lives in Mount Kailaash which is believed as center of the Universe. Shiva is always resembled in the form of Linga. He is a dancer, hence named as 'Nataraja'. He is the composer of dance, 'Shiva Tandav'. Lord Shiva is also popularly known as 'Parameshwer' i.e., supreme of all. 'Rudra' means the God of the roaring storm. He has third eye which is always closed. Opening the third eye will lead to complete destruction.

Interesting facts:

  • Lord Brahma has 11 children(10 sons,1 daughter). His sons are called 'Prajapathis'(rulers of human race).
  • Lord Brahma have no temples for worship as cursed by the Sage Vishwamithra. Except one or two like Pushkar in Ajmer.
  • Lord Vishnu rides on 'Garuda'(The Gaint Eagle) who is the king of all birds.
  • Lord Vishnu handles a powerful weapon called 'Sudarshan Chakra' ( revolving disc).
  • Lord Vishnu sleeps on a giant snake in milky ocean.
  • Lord Shiva carries a powerful weapon called 'Trishul'(Trident).
  • Lord Shiva wears snake as ornament around his neck.
  • Lord Shiva drank poison which came out by churning milky ocean, hence named 'Garalakanta'.
Scientific Reasons:
  • When we consider 'Brahma-Vishnu-Maheshwara' as Proton-Electron-Neutron, Lord Brahma is the creator of universe likewise proton is the main reason for creation. Lord Vishnu is protector of universe likewise electrons with wide range of reactions which protects the universe. Lord Shiva is destructor likewise neutron collides with nucleus and causes complete destruction and gives a new way to creation.
  • There exist a black hole in every galaxy. Black-hole consumes matter by expelling particles through its polar points. Once the energy released at poles equal to the gravity of black-hole it stops consuming matter. This balance is called Lord Vishnu. If the balance was disturbed destruction will happen until balance obtain. This destruction is called Lord Shiva. The energy which is expelled at the time of destruction supports a new creation. This creation is called Lord Brahma.
  • Supernova is defined as sudden explosion of a star by ejecting most of its inner material. The equilibrium between The Sun and the planets is the principle of Vishnu. When Sun went into a position of imbalance in handling its own nuclear fuel and becomes supernova, the entire destruction of solar system happens. This destruction is the principle of Shiva. When destruction happens energy expelled leads to new creation which is the principle of Lord Brahma.
  • Lord Shiva symbolically described as 'Linga'. According ancient texts, 'Linga' was defined as Ling - destruction, merging ,to dissolve and ga means emerge, creation, new life. At the time of cosmic dissolution, all things will dissolve into Shiva and emerges from Shiva once again. The unknown people say 'Shiva linga' is a phallic symbol but it is unknown symbol of creation after destruction.'Shiva tandava' is the dance which represents destruction. The running path of the Neutrons, Protons inside the atom is exactly in the shape of 'Chidhambaram's Sri Nataraja swamy' idol.



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