
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Pushkara - Festival of Sacred Rivers

Pushkara or Pushkaram:
Pushkara means the one who nourishes or purifies. Lord Vishnu is called Pushkaraakshah means the one who nourishes. In traditional astrology, there is a word called Pushkara Navamsa, the place where planets get nourished. A lake with the name Pushkara exist in the state of Rajasthan,India where we can find sacred temple of Lord Brahma. According to ancients, Pushkaram means span of 12 years.

Cultural beliefs:
According to brahmanda purana, what ever sins committed in this life and past life will be vanished and attain virtues by doing bath in river at the time of Pushkara. Pushkara snan will give equal benefits which are equivalent to doing of Ashvamedha Yag. Meditation at Narmadha river,Charity at Kurukshetra place, death in Kasi town are consider as the most auspicious but doing bath at the time of Pushkar will give all the three benefits. Ancient texts such as Rig veda 1.23 also explained the powers of water.

A popular story behind Pushkaram was Sages at ancient times requested Lord Varun(the king of all water bodies) to stay in 12 rivers every year.As per their request, he promised to stay in 12 rivers as per the planet Jupiter movements around sun. When ever planet Jupiter enters in to a zodiac sign, each river gets Pushkar.

As per the scripts, Lord Pushkara is the son of Lord Varuna. Pushkar prayed Lord Brahma and acquired a boon to live in sacred waters to purify them.He also prayed Lord Shiva and attain 'Jala Tattva Siddhi'( Physics of waters) and became king of all sacred waters and named as 'Theerdhapalaka' (Ruler of Sacred waters). Later to this Lord Jupiter prayed Lord Brahma to keep Pushkara along with him but, Pushkar refused it and Lord Brahma resolved conflict by requesting pushkar to stay with Jupiter for 24 days(12 days at beginning + 12 days at ending)  when Lord Jupiter enters each Zodiac Sign. Based on the planet Jupiter movement in Zodiac sign Lord Pushkar enters 12 sacred rivers in India.

Depending on Jupiter movement in Zodiac signs, sacred rivers get energies and nourishes the place.

Jupiter in Aries river Ganga gets Pushkara.
In Taurus      - Narmada River.
In Gemini      - Saraswathi River.
In Cancer      - Yamuna River.
In Leo            - Godavri River.
In Virgo          - Krishna River.
In Libra          - Kaveri River.
In Scorpio      - Bheema River.
In Sagittarius - Pushkara-Vaahini River.
In Capricorn  - Thunga -Bhadra River.
In Aquarius   - Sindhu (Indus) River.
In Pisces      - Pranahitha(Praneetha) River.

Interesting facts:

  • Before doing bath at the time of Pushkara we need to make small mud balls and leave them in the river as a request or permission to take bath in that place.
  • After bathing, Tharpan(act of giving water) has to be given to River,Lord Varuna, Planet Jupiter, Lord Vishnu,Lord Shiva ,Lord Brahma and all the Gods and Goddesses, 7 Sages, Sacred rivers at last to Lord Surya(Sun).
  • After giving tharpan, water should be released for 3 times with hands at the banks of river and drain the water from the edges cloths for 3 times  before changing the dress.
  • After the above acts, Gayatri Japa has to be done or recite mantras related to Lord Surya.
  • People believe that tonsuring of head,staying,Fasting,Meditation, Donation, reciting mantras, Tharpanas for ancestors at the river in pushkara time is highly auspicious.
  • Watching,touching,bathing,drinking of sacred water at the time of pushkar is consider as highly auspicious and soul cleansing.
Scientific Reasons:
  • The enhanced Electro magnetic field of earth due to sun spot cycle or solar magnetic activity cycle at the time pushkar magnetizes water in the river and enhances healing properties in water. It is observed that entire body system raised to condition where it is equal to the effect of meditation.
  • Water will acquire magnetic power from earth and stored until early hours of sun rise. When ever a person perform bathing ritual at that time will be relieved from several health disorders.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. sir,
    Best information about pushkaram. I want to use few lines of this article in my blog for godavari pushkaram . Kindly permit me...

  3. I will use with linking to your blog only.

  4. Nice info.... If possible publish it in Telugu language... Txs

  5. Pisces is Penna, but not Pranahita. Pranahita is just a tributary of Godavari and so it is Godavari Pushkaram only. Penna river is one of the 12 biggest holy rivers of India.

  6. I went to nellore which is on the banks of river penna it was my birthplace but i did not heard that pushkarams are there for river penna the river is nearly dried up

  7. I want to know that if pregnant woman can do pushkara snanam?

  8. pregnant woman should not go for pushkara snanam?

  9. I love reading, I love blogging, and I love comments! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and have a wonderful day!

    Books and Manual

  10. Can we do Head tonsuring Ceremory at Tirumala during Krishna Pushkaralu(12Days). We are not stating near Krishna as well.

  11. Can a girl in Periods can attend Pushkar snanam.


  13. Garbhini sthree should not take pushkara snana



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