
Friday, December 6, 2013

Avoiding Onions & Garlic In Food

Why Do Some Families Avoid Onions & Garlic In Food?

Garlic and Onion are called as Queen of herbs and they have ability to cure 61 types of diseases. They used as medicine for cold,cough and viral infections. Onions are good in Vitamin-C and sulphur compounds which improve immunity power.Garlic has allisin substance which builds robust defense mechanism in the body.

Cultural belief :

The food when it is pure in turn it makes people mind pure.The feelings,emotions and self entirely reflections of what we intake. All the food which we arrange for the day should be offered to god as naivedhya after that we need to eat considering it as Prasad(gift of god) . Lord Shiva - who considered as feeder for all creatures. Goddess Annapurna, Goddess Gomatha are all considered as Gods for food. Food is primary source for life. Food gives strength,food gives health and food gives self satisfaction. 

According to hinduism food was divided into three categories 
  • Sattvic -The food which is fresh,which increase life span and brings inner purity. Sattvic food is considered as positive. 
  • Rajasic -The food which can't be categorized neither positive or negative. But it makes mind revolve restless. 
  • Tamasic -The food which raises inner feelings, emotions.The food which harms health,feelings,mind. 
Garlic and onions are considered as tamasic food because they directly increase negative thoughts in mind. 

While churning milky ocean with Mandhara Mountain and Snake Vasuki by Devas and Asuras, Divine Nector(Amrit) which gives immortality came from it.By disguising lord Vishnu(who distributes Amrit) two asuras taken Amrit. By knowing this Lord Vishnu killed them and Amrit drank by asuras fell down from their necks without going into body. the drops of amrit fell down on earth directly from asuras necks and became onions and garlic's. That's why onion and garlic emits bad odors with pungent smell and powerful in taste.. 

Once upon a time a sage was doing a fire sacrifice known as gomedha yaga for welfare of people. In this yaga rishi need to offer a cow to fire god. But his wife was pregnant and have huge hunger. She decided to hide a piece of flesh without knowing this rishi continued yaga after completion of yaga he continued to give rebirth to cow which was offered in homa. but rishi noticed a piece is missing and he suspected his wife. His wife threw the piece far away from the surrounding due to fear of his husband. But mantras which given birth to flesh. The blood on the piece of flesh which was thrown away by his wife taken form of red lentils and the bones taken birth in the form of Onion and garlic. Due to this so many Hindu families considered them as non-veg.

Interesting Facts :

  • Katra place where famous Goddess vishno Devi temple situated we cannot find onion or garlic in the entire town.
  • Some Hindus believe Onion and Garlic taken birth from bones of a cow. 
  • They believe eating onions and garlic is a big sin and directly equal to eating a cow.
Scientific Reasons :

Garlic or onions increases sexual desire and given sexual strength and drive the feeling towards opposite gender. Garlic and onions make blood to flow freely. It is danger when someone hurts badly with wounds. Garlic or onions will stop the growth of a person who is inclined spiritually. Garlic or Onions are considered as Tamasic food which increases sexual desires and anger.

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