
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Bathing - An Ancient Method of Body Cleaning

Bathing is a process of cleaning body with water. Bathing does not give only physical cleanliness but  also gives mental relaxation.According to Ancient Indians, we should bathe early in the morning and in the evening. Bathing is not a process of pouring water on body or dipping in a swimming pool, but it is a touch of our ancient tradition.
What is Ancient tradition of taking bath?
According to Ancient tradition there are some peculiar measures for taking bath.
Cool water will regulate Raktha (Blood Pressure) and Pitta (related to bile secretion) disturbances in body. Mild hot water(warm water) under room temperature will strengthen body and eliminates Vata( Air related) and Kapha(related to body fluids) disturbances.

Head bath with hot water will destroy the eye sight, creates disturbance in vata, kapha and lead to diseases.

Bathing will increase hunger, eliminates impotency and increases life, immunity power and gives special glow to the body and also strengthens the body by eliminating allergies, tidiness and thirst caused by sweat.

By bathing with cold water, heat will travel inside and rises the hungry.

Bathing with mild hot or warm water,drinking milk, love with younger women, taking lesser meal will give protection to health.
Bathing with Amla extracts will give glow to body and relives skin allergies. Now a days many companies introducing the soaps, shampoos prepared from the extracts of Amla. Ancient Indians strictly follow bathing with amla extracts in the month of Karthika.

The person who uses amla extracts for bathing will not suffer from bald head, white hair and live up to 100 years.

People who are suffering from diseases, loose motions,eye diseases, stomach diseases,indigestion, after a meal should not take bathe.
After bathe, people should use white cloth to clean the body. The cloth made from spinning wheel(Khadi) will give protection from hot and cold weather.This textile can be worn in any season. Silk, wool and red color dresses will lowers vat and kapha doshas and prescribely worn in cool climate.
The saffron color cloths will cool the body by eliminating Pitha dosha annd should be worn in summer.
According to Ancient Indians, head bath will create kapha dosha and leads to cold, cough and headache. In order to these, after head bath people should consume soup with pepper, Curry leaf + Red chili powder, soup with fenugreek seeds.

Scientific Reasons:
Bathing with warm water will clear toxins, cleans the skin by opening pores on skin,relaxes the tissues by relieving the stress, lowers the blood pressure, reduces the body pains, gives nice and relaxed sleep. Epsum salts bath, Ice bath had newly came into existence. These are mainly preferred by sportsmen.

Read More at :

Bathing - An Ancient Method of Body Cleaning - II

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