
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ganges - The Holy River

Ganges :
Ganges is called as 'Ganga' in Hinduism. It raises from western Himalayas flows to South & East through Uttarakhand. It joins in Bay of Bengal at Bangladesh. Ganges is very scared in terms of Hinduism and worshiped as Goddess Ganga. The Ganges is the longest river in India. The world health organization declared Ganges as the most polluted river.

Cultural Beliefs:
Ganges is a very sacred river, people believe bathing in river Ganges removes all sins. It's tradition in Hindu customs to use Ganges water.

Maha Kumbha Mela is the biggest festival for River Ganges approx. 10Crores people takes a dip in the water. Lord Shiva is the person who bared Ganges on the head. King Bhagiratha brought river Ganges to earth to purify their ancestors committed sins. The ancient texts stated that by touching Holy Ganges water clears all sins. By taking a dip in the holy water people will reach heaven after death. By dying near banks of the river will attain more morality and placed in heaven.

Interesting Facts:
  • The Ganges is the only river which came directly from heaven.
  • Ganges water will never decompose. They mix small amounts of Ganges water in other water bodies near to their living areas.
  • People bath and carry the water way back to their homes.
  • People leave dead bodies in the Ganges and treat it as purification.
Scientific Reason:
  • Ganges water is having very powerful anti-bacterial effect it killed ’bacterium Vibrio Cholera' virus which causes cholera in 3 hours.
  • Ganges water will not decompose like other water due to lack of oxygen when we carry it in a container. It will restrict anaerobic bacteria which will develop in closed container water, due to rich in oxygen. Ganges has the power to reduce biochemical oxygen demand due to this it can clean itself faster when compared with other rivers. You can't find insects or mosquitoes in the stagnant waters of Ganges.
  • Ganges water has Bacteriophage cells which produce anti-bacterial effect of water. By mixing Ganges water in other water bodies Bacteriophage will spread in that water and purifies it.
  • River Ganges will clean water which was spread around 2600 kilometer area within 24hours. Bacteriophage will feed on human wastes, pollutants and bacteria this is the main reason behind the tradition to take a bath in the Ganges.
  • Bacteriophage will develop quickly if the increased number of persons takes dip in Holy Ganges. Due to special Biological and chemical properties it will re oxidize itself very quickly. It was discovered dangerous
  • The E - Coil virus which causes dysentery and problems in urinary tract was killed in 3hours by Ganges water.
  • It was known fact people who are taking baths in Ganges are not suffering from any infection, contagious disease which spread rapidly in water.
  • By heating or any purification process Ganges loses its power.

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