
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Vaastu - The dwelling of humans & Gods

A home is called manushyalaya, literally, "human temple". It is not merely a shelter for human beings in which to rest and eat. The concept behind house design is the same as for temple design, so sacred and spiritual are the two spaces. The principles laid down during those days were based purely on the effect of sunrays during different times of the day. The observations and corrections made were noted and concluded only after in-depth screening of the situation.

Cultural Importance:
Everybody, rich or poor me and even the gods if descend on the earth, require a house to live in. So Vishwakarma had first of all given the methods of construction and decoration of buildings. It is known as Vaastu Shastra or the architecture. References to these methods and art are found in the sources of ancient Indian culture such as the Vedas, Purans, Ramayan, Mahabharat and other Sanskrit epics.

Proofs of vaastushastra can be found during the time of Ramayana Mahabharat. Even in the cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa the application of vaastushastra can be seen. Since the science goes far back to the times of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna there are many interesting mythological stories concering the origin of Vaastupurush (the deity).

In astrology also, the ancient scholars have given the auspicious times (muhurt) for procuring a plot of land or starting the construction work of a house or first entry in the newly built house etc. The intention of these methods of construction propounded by the ancient saints, seers and scholars, and transmitted through the generations, has been that human beings in this world may build a house which will bring health, happiness and all round prosperity for the inmates; A house which helps in achieving the best in the four groups (Chaturvarg:) Dharma, Artha, Kaama and Moksha and attaining divinity.

Vaastu shastra is helps one to get the natural benefits freely offered by the five basic elements (Akash (SKY), Prithvi (EARTH), Paani (WATER), Agni (FIRE), and Vayu (WIND). of the universe .Vaastu is based on 4 directions and 4 corners. The 4 directions are North, East, South and West. The 4 corners are Northeast, Southeast, Southwest and Northwest. Nature comprises of five elements including water, fire, wind, earth and sky.

Each of these elements has its own place. Northeast corner is the place of Water. Southeast corner is the place of Fire. Southwest corner is the place of Wind. Northwest corner is the place of Earth. So, in order to gain benefits from all the elements of Nature, we should place them in their proper place. Then only, we will receive good vibrations. If we misplace these elements, then we will have to bear the resultant negative effects.

Scientific Reason:
Vastushastra unifies the science, art, astronomy and astrology, it can also be said as an ancient mystic science for designing and building. Vastu Shastra helps us to make our lives better and will secure from things going wrong.It is based on various natural energies, which are available free cost in atmosphere like:
  • Solar Energy from Sun. Lunar Energy from Moon
  • Earth Energy
  • Sky Energy
  • Electric Energy
  • Magnetic Energy
  • Thermal Energy
  • Wind Energy
  • Light Energy
  • Cosmic Energy
Utilization of such energies gives us pleasure peace, prosperity and money etc in our life

There are three forces in action to create harmony. Wind, water and fire or, vaayu, jal and Agni. If these forces are kept in their appropriate places, then there will be no disturbance. But if water is put in place of fire and wind in place of water or in any other combination, the forces will start acting accordingly and create disharmony and no peace.

Interesting Facts:
The "open courtyard" system of house design was the national pattern in India before Western models were introduced. The order introduced into the "built space" accounts for the creation of spiritual ambiance required for the indweller to enjoy spiritual well-being and material welfare and prosperity. At right is a typical layout of a square building, meant for family persons (for scientists, artists and yogi). The space occupied by the center is called Brahmasthanam, meaning the "nuclear energy field". It should be kept unbuilt and open to the sky so as to have contact with the outer space (akasha). This central courtyard is likened to the lungs of the human body. It is not for living purposes. Religious and cultural events can be held here—such as yajna (fire rituals), music and dance performances and marriage. The space surrounding the Brahmasthanam is the walkway. The corners are rooms with specific purposes. The northeast quarter is called Isanya, the southeast Agni, the southwest Niruthi and northwest Vayu. These are said to possess the qualities of four respective devatas or gods—Isa (The Supreme Lord), Agni (Lord of Fire - Surya), Niruthi (He-the Protector) and Vayu (Lord of Wind). Accordingly—with due respect to ecological friendliness with the subtle forces of the spirit—those spaces (quarters) are assigned as follows: northeast for the home shrine, southeast for the kitchen, southwest for the master bedroom and northwest for the storage of grains. The spaces lying between the corner zones are those of the north, east, south and west. They are meant for multiple purposes.

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