
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sun Salutation- The Power of Sun Ray's

Sunlight :

The sun’s rays have been unceasingly carrying out the task of purifying and nourishing grain, water, wind, earth, vegetables, herbs and the mind and body of living beings. The objective of the system of praying to the Sun God, offering libation to the Sun, performing Sun salutation prevalent in Indian civilization, is to attain mental health, physical health and spiritual progress. The most eminent physician of Ayurveda, Charaka acharya gave a very important place to the Sun worship in the category of divine healing. 

Cultural beliefs:

The world was still struggling to live the life still then the sages of Rig-Veda times knew the importance of sun's rays.
The water offered to Sun in the morning/evening converts the drops of water to stones that cause death to the demons. For humans, demons are like all sicknesses like typhoid TB, pneumonia etc. When a devotee takes water in his hands while standing in front of or facing the sun and drops water on the ground the rising direct Sun’s rays fall from the head to feet of the devotee in a uniform flow. This way water heated by Sun’s rays and its colors penetrates every part of the body. This is the reason why the Vedas direct the devotee to offer water when the Sun is about to raise/set. It is also proved in Science that sunlight is a rich source of Vitamin-D.

The sun's rays do penetrate water, but each color penetrates to a different extent. Generally, the more energetic colors, those at the upper end of the color spectrum, the blues and violets, penetrate deeper. The lower frequency wavelengths, the oranges and reds, peter out at shallower depths. But these generalities will vary, as the ability of light to penetrate water is affected by what is in that water. Red light is absorbed within 15 to 20 feet, while blue light can make it down as far as 200 feet or more (this is why the deep water appears bluish), depending on the clarity and turbidity of the water.

Rigved also states - All living beings of the creation depend on the sun. The sun removes physical, mental and spiritual weaknesses and makes one healthy and long lived. For ailments of the heart, eyes, jaundice, leprosy and weak mind sun could be helpful.
Atharvaved states that there are seven names of the sun which represent the seven rays of the sun. One of the names of sun is Sapt Rashmi or seven rays. The Rishis in the ancient times did deep research and Sadhanas and revealed that the sun has seven rays.


Following are the gains of sun ray therapy.
1. Where sun rays are allowed to fall there cannot be any ailment.
2. The sun rays are free of side effects. By the use of sun rays in fact the body could be made active and healthy and one could enjoy life to the full.

Scientific Reasons:

The scientists today are aware of the same. There is unparalleled power in the rays of the sun. Since times immemorial our ancestors have been the worshippers of sun its main reason being the capacity and quality of Sun to purify the environment and make it disease free. The energy manifests through sun and Life in this world and descends down on to us.
If a person wants, he or she can quickly get disease-free through the solar therapy.

There is an unbreakable relation between human heart and the Sun. scientists believe that taking sun bath daily for 20 minutes in the morning can be done to utilize the good health benefits in every season. Doctors say that refraining from sun rays may be an effective way to be free of skin cancer but it invites other forms of cancer. 

Medicine Preparation through Sun Ray’s:
There are seven colors in sun rays violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange & red. Theses seven colors are full nourishment with whose help you can lead an illness free healthy life. Sun therapy is a natural therapy. According to sun therapy it is believed that a person suffers from a disease when there is a deficiency of a particular color in the body. If these colors are recouped then the body becomes free of disease. 

Assemble blue, green, yellow etc bottles.
Fill the bottles one fourth with pure drinking water.
Keep it in the sun for 6 to 8 hours on wooden plank.
By evening your medicine is ready.
Keep in mind that the sun rays should fall continuously on the bottles and the bottles should be capped tightly so that no vapor escapes.

Similarly oil can be prepared for massage. But this should be kept in the sun regularly for 45 days. Dosage of the Medicine Children should take 1 spoon, adolescent 4 to 6 spoons, and adult’s 5 to 7 spoons. The medicine prepared by sun rays should be given twice daily.

Dosage for different kind of Diseases:
1.     For constipation drink equal quantity of water from green and white bottle twice a day, this also cures wind problems. By keeping a person in a green room and by making him drink water from green bottle eye trouble could be cured and the mind made sharper.
2.     Drink blue water for pimples.
3.     For hair fall do not use chemical soap and massage lightly on the head with blue oil mixed with coconut oil with 2-3 drops of lemon juice. Also put blue light on head before taking bath. Along with this drink green water 5-6 spoon daily.
4.     Massage Blue oil for headache and drink yellow bottle water twice daily.
5.     In case of heart problems drink green water thrice daily. This removes any blood ailment and purifies and cleans the blood.
6.     For vision problems, put water from the green bottle 3-4 times in a day. With the use of this medicine vision problems can be removed and even spectacles can be eliminated.
7.     For dark patched on face massage with the oil from the red bottle. If a patient suffering from small pox is made to lie in a red room and made to drink water from red bottle he becomes cured in a few days. If one suffers from paralysis then too one should be put in a red room and made to drink red bottle water.
8.     For blisters of mouth and throat drink and gargle water from the green bottle·

Interesting Facts:

‘The sun’s rays destroy all diseases. They destroy germs associated with disease.’
Broadly speaking, the four functions of the seven colors present in the sun’s rays are:
1. To stimulate the digestive fire.
2. To stimulate the fires associated with the seven dhÍtus and thereby produce the essential dhÍtus.
3. To balance the three doshas: vÍta, pitta, kapha through the red, green and blue rays respectively.
4. To excrete the gross and subtle waste matter.
It reflects and releases rainbow effect which is useful to eyes and to the body as well when done early morning when the suns' color is orange like.

Sun Bath:

Sun bath is very important for perfect health. It has a mystical antibacterial and antifungal property. The sun showers three types of rays upon us:
Rays of visible (white) light
Infra-red rays
Ultra-violet rays

1. Sunlight helps nourish the muscles. If the skin is deprived of sunlight by keeping it covered, the muscles tend to weaken and degenerate.
2. Sunlight promotes the proper formation of teeth, speedy growth of hair, and quick and deep breathing.
3. Blood pressure is brought down, and the kidneys become more efficient.
4. By the action of sun light, skin diseases are cured, blisters are burst and wounds are healed more speedily.
5. Sunlight maintains and even increases the amount of alkali in the blood.
6. If a pregnant lady takes sun baths regularly, she gets relief from the usual discomforts of pregnancy such as fatigue, backache, nausea, over stimulation and lactation in the post-parturition period is also improved.

How to take sun bath?

You should begin by exposing the body to the sunlight for 5 to 10 minutes, the anterior parts of the body for half this period and the posterior parts for the other half. Later on, the period of exposure can be gradually increased, as convenient, to about an hour.

After sunbath, a cold-water bath should be taken, or the body wiped with a piece of cloth wrung out in cold water. The mild sun of the morning or the evening has no harmful effect on the body. 

But it is advisable to avoid exposing the body to the intense sunlight of the midday. The discomfort experienced during a sun bath, or a burning sensation in the skin, is an indication of excessive exposure to sunlight.

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