
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Chanting Mantras

Chanting Mantras:

A Mantra is group of words that are capable of creating spiritual and physical effects. Mantras were originally conceived in the Vedas, India’s oldest and most revered spiritual text. The word Mantra is a Sanskrit word combining the two syllables ‘man’ which means mind and ‘tra’ which means deliverance. So the word “mantra” literally implies “to free from the mind".

Cultural Beliefs: 

In ancient times people believed that mantras had the power to listen to the subtlest of these sounds. They discovered that specific sounds energized specific portions of the brain thereby awakening extraordinary powers (Siddhis). They used these sounds to form sacred words that are called Mantras.

By systematic chanting the root mantra of a god, you create a positive vibration. When the waves of this vibration are touched by the sensory perceptions of the respective god, he is propitiated and becomes happy. As a result of this happiness he blesses the man and re-enters the body which he left due to curse from the planets, etc. Please remember that these vibratory frequencies are ubiquitous and in the form of electro-magnetic waves having unimaginably very high frequency much beyond that of the measurable frequency of Gamma rays/cosmic waves.

Mantras have a profound impact upon us due to two reasons:
1.The vibration effect of the sound; and
2.The effect of the collective emotional energy behind that word due to constant repetition over time.

How to chant:

Mantras must be chanted or recited clearly, accurately and with correct pronunciations and with devotion and motivation. Chanting them as a matter-of-course deprives them of power and is practically useless from the point of view of conscious growth, evolution and subtle effects.

How Often To Chant:

The number of times a mantra has to be chanted is usually specified. Normally, it is considered auspicious to chant a mantra 11 times, or 108 times or in multiples of 108. Once you have fixed upon the number, you can increase it but cannot decrease it.

Where to Chant:

Mantras should be chanted in a quiet place. Once a place has been chosen, it should become permanent for all practical purposes.

Best Time to Chant: 
The best time for chanting mantras is the Brahmamuhurta (4 a.m.). Other good times are the transition periods i.e. when night is turning into day (dawn and sunrise), when day is turning into night (twilight and sunset). You can also choose the time before going to bed. Having chosen your time, you should be regular about the hours and duration of your chanting.

Position to Chant:
If chanting mantras during the day time, you should sit facing the north or the east. If chanting mantras during the night, you should sit facing the north.       

Rules to follow:  

Have complete devotion and faith in the Mantra. Repose your complete faith in the deity being worshipped.
Keep a peaceful mind.
While chanting of Mantras never let your mind be distracted.(concentrate deeply)
Put your complete will power in the chanting of Mantra.
Never be afraid while the chanting of Mantra.
Never change your place before your Mantrik meditation is complete.
Perform Mantrik meditation as laid down in our scriptures.
From the beginning to the end of the meditational chanting of Mantra does not change incense(Dhoop), lamp(Deepak), asana, beads(Mala) and clothes.
While the chanting of Mantra keep non-vegetarian food and liquor strictly away from your house.
After bathing and with complete purity perform the chanting of Mantra.
Never use Mantra power or attainment for negative purposes.


Mantras Are Energy-Based Sounds, Create Thought-Energy Waves, Have Fire-Like Energy and Eventually Quiet the Mind
Mantras function by stimulating various Chakras in the Human body .Mantras act upon our bodies by reprogramming the vibrations of the cells that have somehow gone. They restore the pattern of sounds at the heart of each and every cell, thus pushing the cells toward harmonious health.
Mantras affect not only our physical body but also our subtle body - our emotions, intellect and soul. They positively affect our aura - the energy shields surrounding our body.

Scientific Reasons:

Chanting the mantras directly lowers blood pressure, normalizes heart beat rate, brain wave pattern, adrenalin level, even cholesterol level. Some believe that the recitation of sacred mantras actually causes the physical and etheric bodies to change their vibrational frequency level—becoming more attuned if you like, with divine energy. Specific healing mantras can be chanted to balance and align the chakras. For ex: Bija Mantras. Chakras are the energetic wheels of light that transduce subtle energy into the body. Modern doctors are also advising the people under high tension to sit and listen to music or mantras for few minutes.



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